Does your kitty really need a crate?

Homes provide us a sense of safety, wellbeing, and security. A house is a place where we can decompress, calm down, and finally relax after a long day. Just like people need homes, every kitty should have their own version of a home. That’s right: a crate! Crates are excellent for traveling back and forth from vet visits and grooming, but they are equally important for emergencies. Kitties are easily startled by a car driving by or a loud noise when they’re outside of their homes. With a crate, you can provide your cat with security and an extension of their comfort zone. 

Your crate needs to be one and a half times bigger than you kitty. This gives them plenty of space to stand and turn around without feeling stuck. Too small of a crate will make them cramped. As a kid, remember when you had to sit in the cramped backseat during a road trip? Your legs were shoved almost up to your chest, and all you could think about was how you couldn’t reach the snacks and how badly you wanted to get out and stretch your legs? That’s how a small crate feels to a cat! Finding them a crate that’s amply sized will help improve their mood and keep them safe.

It’s best if your kitty has their own designated crate. Traveling can be stressful enough, and most cats do better having their space to make them feel safe. Keeping the crate out at all times will allow them to see it as a good thing instead of a bad thing. If you’d like to put toys and treats inside the crate, that’s an excellent way for cats to become accustomed to crating without it feeling scary to them. You might even find your kitty hanging out in there on his own volition! 

Finding the perfect crate may take some time and energy, but it’ll be best for your cat in the long run. Keeping them feeling safe and secure is a number one priority!